IUB Class of 2004 – Plans for the Future


About two thirds of IUB’s new graduates plan to continue studying at graduate schools or additionally consider the option of a position in economy. The remaining graduates want to gain job experience first before they continue their academic career or take a summer’s break for orientation. Companies interested in IUB graduates now have the opportunity to look at application profiles on the Internet.

[ Jun 04, 2004]  Already before their official graduation on 2 June the plans of many “Class of 2004” students had been taking shape: Many of those, who had applied for graduate programs already have been admitted to universities, amongst these Cambridge University, University of Oxford, the London School of Economics and Political Science, Columbia University, and Rice University. So far 18 are admitted to graduate programs at IUB.

A sizeable portion of the “class of 2004”, some 20 %, have already landed attractive positions, traineeships, or internships, many of them within Bremen or Northern Germany. Over half of the graduates who are seeking jobs want to stay in Germany. The remainder will be seeking positions upon their return to their homelands or to other countries.

To support the new graduates in their job search the well-known German Internet job agency jobpilot in collaboration with IUB’s career services started a project at the end of April, to bring the qualities of the young IUB academics to the attention of national and international companies. In the jobpilot service section for employers companies will find 46 profiles of IUB graduates. Additionally jobpilot informs its regular customers specifically about graduates, who fit the company’s individual profile.


Author: Kristin Beck. Last updated on 23.06.2005. © 2005 International University Bremen, Campus Ring 1, 28759 Bremen. All rights reserved. No unauthorized reproduction. For all general inquiries, please call IUB at +49 421 200-4100 or mail to