IUB Alumni: Their Plans for the Future


The average age of a bachelor graduate at IUB is 22 - what are their plans after leaving IUB? IUB's Office for Career Services knows the details. Every year they evaluate the future plans of the graduating class.

[ Jun 10, 2006]  The trend of recent years continues: about two thirds of IUB's new graduates plan to continue studying at graduate schools. The remaining graduates intend to gain work experience first before the potential continuation of their academic careers.

69 percent of the Graduates from the Class of 2006 filled in the questionnaire. Many of those, who had applied for graduate programs have already been admitted to universities, amongst these are Cambridge University, University of Oxford, the London School of Economics and Political Science, Columbia University, and Rice University - and IUB. A sizeable proportion of the "class of 2006", about 10%, have already aquired attractive positions, traineeships, or internships. The rest is still seeking employment or are pursuing other options.

To support the new graduates in their job search IUB's career services brings the qualities of the young IUB academics to the attention of national and international enterprises. Companies interested in IUB graduates now have the opportunity to look at application profiles.


Author: Dagmar Becker. Last updated on 11.07.2006. © 2006 International University Bremen, Campus Ring 1, 28759 Bremen. All rights reserved. No unauthorized reproduction. For all general inquiries, please call IUB at +49 421 200-40 or mail to