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Excuse from Academic Obligations

Official excuses from academic obligations will be granted for no other reasons than sickness, health or personal emergency.

Since the COVID-19 pandemic our submission's policy has changed.  We are accepting the yellow certificate (Arbeitsunfähigkeitsbescheinigung) and submissions can be done electronically via Campusnet. Please follow the instructions here: 

  1. Log in to campusnet
  2. On the left bottom corner, click on ‘My Requests’
  3. Click on ‘Start’ next to ‘Request to be Excused’
  4. Fill the information and upload your yellow sick certificate
  5. Click on ‘Check for completeness and submit data’ once you are done

Once we’ve received and reviewed your excuse, we will inform the instructor(s) via email about your

There are strict rules in order to be officially excused. You can find the regulations in the policies.

Regardless of the reason for their absence, students must inform the Instructor on Record before the beginning of the examination or class/lab session that they will not be able to attend. The day after the excuse ends, students must contact the Instructor of Record.

Students have the right to take one make-up exam within the deadline for students to submit materials for incompletes as published in the Academic Calendar. Failure to do so will lead to a continued incomplete of the module until the missing requirements are fulfilled or definitively failed.

Once the medical excuse form has been reviewed, the instructors will be informed about the absence and students would need to follow up and coordinate for the make-up, if applicable. The university reserves the right to ask for a second medical opinion and/or to reject the medical excuse form.